这个项目最后更新的时间是 2012 年,项目进行了封装使用最简单的方法实现了http的断点上传。
因为html5 里面有读取文件分割文件的类库,所以才可以支持断点上传,所以这个只能在html5 支持的浏览器上面展示。
同时,在js 和 java 同时使用 cr32 进行文件块的校验,保证数据上传正确。
代码在使用了最新的servlet 3.0 的api,使用了异步执行,监听等方法。
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UUID.fromString(parameterValue) : null ); break ; case verifyCrcOfUncheckedPart: returnObject = verifyCrcOfUncheckedPart(request); break ; case prepareUpload: returnObject = prepareUpload(request); break ; case clearFile: uploadProcessor.clearFile(UUID.fromString(fileUploaderHelper.getParameterValue(request, UploadServletParameter.fileId))); break ; case clearAll: uploadProcessor.clearAll(); break ; case pauseFile: List<UUID> uuids = getFileIdsFromString(fileUploaderHelper.getParameterValue(request, UploadServletParameter.fileId)); uploadProcessor.pauseFile(uuids); break ; case resumeFile: returnObject = uploadProcessor.resumeFile(UUID.fromString(fileUploaderHelper.getParameterValue(request, UploadServletParameter.fileId))); break ; case setRate: uploadProcessor.setUploadRate(UUID.fromString(fileUploaderHelper.getParameterValue(request, UploadServletParameter.fileId)), Long.valueOf(fileUploaderHelper.getParameterValue(request, UploadServletParameter.rate))); break ; case getProgress: returnObject = getProgress(request); break ; } return returnObject; } List<UUID> getFileIdsFromString(String fileIds) { String[] splittedFileIds = fileIds.split( "," ); List<UUID> uuids = Lists.newArrayList(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < splittedFileIds.length; i++) { uuids.add(UUID.fromString(splittedFileIds[i])); } return uuids; } private Serializable getProgress(HttpServletRequest request) throws MissingParameterException { Serializable returnObject; String[] ids = new Gson() .fromJson(fileUploaderHelper.getParameterValue(request, UploadServletParameter.fileId), String[]. class ); Collection<UUID> uuids = Collections2.transform(Arrays.asList(ids), new Function<String, UUID>() { @Override public UUID apply(String input) { return UUID.fromString(input); } }); returnObject = Maps.newHashMap(); for (UUID fileId : uuids) { try { ProgressJson progress = uploadProcessor.getProgress(fileId); ((HashMap<String, ProgressJson>) returnObject).put(fileId.toString(), progress); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.debug( "No progress will be retrieved for " + fileId + " because " + e.getMessage()); } } return returnObject; } private Serializable prepareUpload(HttpServletRequest request) throws MissingParameterException, IOException { // extract file information PrepareUploadJson[] fromJson = new Gson() .fromJson(fileUploaderHelper.getParameterValue(request, UploadServletParameter.newFiles), PrepareUploadJson[]. class ); // prepare them final HashMap<String, UUID> prepareUpload = uploadProcessor.prepareUpload(fromJson); // return them return Maps.newHashMap(Maps.transformValues(prepareUpload, new Function<UUID, String>() { public String apply(UUID input) { return input.toString(); }; })); } private Boolean verifyCrcOfUncheckedPart(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, MissingParameterException, FileCorruptedException, FileStillProcessingException { UUID fileId = UUID.fromString(fileUploaderHelper.getParameterValue(request, UploadServletParameter.fileId)); try { uploadProcessor.verifyCrcOfUncheckedPart(fileId, fileUploaderHelper.getParameterValue(request, UploadServletParameter.crc)); } catch (InvalidCrcException e) { // no need to log this exception, a fallback behaviour is defined in the // throwing method. // but we need to return something! return Boolean.FALSE; } return Boolean.TRUE; } } |
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